The Kung Fu Force and the Maniacal Monster Ride: Book 3

The Kung Fu Force and the Maniacal Monster Ride Book 3

By Robin Leong, Eric Wong (Illustrator)

Published by Epigram Books

Picture Books


The Kung Fu Force has their hands full when a roller coaster comes off the tracks mid-air!

Meet the team behind the Kung Fu Force—Coco the Cockatoo, Lucas the Lizard and Brady the Bengal Cat. Together with Shifu Seong, they are called on to save the day!

The Kung Fu Force is at an amusement park when they chance upon a scary looking roller coaster. Lucas and Brady can’t wait to ride it, while Coco chooses to play it safe and stay close to the ground. But as fate would have it, the roller coaster malfunctions and is about to fall from the sky. Have no fear, the Kung Fu Force is here to save the day. But unless Coco can muster up all her strength and focus, things may not end well.

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