Doing Good Great: Thirteen Asian Heroes and Their Causes

Doing Good Great Thirteen Asian Heroes and Their Causes

By Willie Cheng, Sharifah Mohamed, Cheryl Tang

Published by Epigram Books

Non Fiction


From migrant workers and media freedom to housing slums, this book captures the gamut of social issues that plague Asia, telling the stories behind thirteen committed individuals who have effected great change in their respective causes. 

These stories are about the behemoths such as Dharma Master Cheng Yen from Taiwan and Sir Fazle Hasan Abed from Bangladesh who lead some of the world’s largest nongovernmental organisations; to Aki Ra from Cambodia and Sompop Jakantra from Thailand whose smaller teams have saved hundreds of lives from landmines and prostitution respectively.

The social heroes portrayed have pursued seemingly quotidian causes that citizens of developed countries may take for granted, such as toilets in India, decent housing for the poor in Hong Kong, and mainly making life better for those whom society appears to have forgotten.

More Titles by Willie Cheng, Sharifah Mohamed, Cheryl Tang

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