“Hooray! At last a book for the ever-increasing third culture kids. What a joy.”
—Fran Lebowitz, author of Tales From A Broad
“Girl Overboard! A Rose Grows in the Jungle by Sheri Tan and Illustrated by Fernando Hierro is the second in a series of middle-grade novels about Rosie Smith, a mixed-race, third culture child who has moved from New York City to Singapore. Her struggles—in a new country, in a new school—lead her to growth, understanding, and hope.”
—Pooja Makhijani, Notabilia
“A very promising voice…Rosie is bright and spunky, headstrong yet endearing—a girl who knows her mind. She is sure to find a lot of friends (and devoted readers) in Singapore.”
—Dr Myra Garces-Bacsal, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education, Singapore