“If Alfred Hitchcock’s Three Investigators were reincarnated as Singaporeans, they’d be the Triple Nine Sleuths.”
—Akshita Nanda, The Sunday Times
“If only I’d had characters like the Triple Nine Sleuths to inspire me when I was a kid.”
—Daphne Lee, children’s book columnist at The Star
“Full of non-stop thrills, suspense and humour. A truly gripping mystery!”
—Jessica Alejandro, award-winning author of The Singapore Kid and Extraordinary Losers
“A fun adventure brimming with delicious local flavour.”
—Emily Lim, award-winning author of Tibby, the Tiger Bunny and Prince Bear & Pauper Bear
“A fascinating and entertaining mystery!”
—SherMay Loh, Moonbeam Children’s Book Award winner for Archibald and the Black Knight’s Ring